Friday, May 17, 2019

The bigger picture of an exam

Today was exam day, the culmination of our learning over the last few months of DFI. Murphy's law would have it that this is the week that I'm stuck at home with a cold and had to miss the exam... except that I didn't. I made my own little DFI at home and did the exam here. Note the extension cord and multi-box for authenticity 😉.
My virtual DFI set up
I had been feeling a bit apprehensive about doing the exam, thinking it would be much more demanding than the level 1 exam, but in truth it wasn't a huge step up. Some of the tasks were more involved, but I think the practice opportunities that we have had through the deep dives and sandpit time were really good preparation. Those who have done the level 1 exam today should definitely challenge themselves to take this next step and consolidate the learning we have done together. Go on, be brave!

The thing that was demonstrated for me today wasn't necessarily showing off my techy skills, but putting the Manaiakalani kaupapa into action. I was able to participate, even when things didn't go according to plan. Even though I was sitting by myself in my kitchen, I knew that there was a roomful of other people who were sharing the same experience (Thanks Dorothy for the Viber photos!)
Yay, the exam is finished!
Congratulations to all of my colleagues who have taken the time and the risk to improve their digital fluency. Your students are lucky to have people like you, who believe they are worth it. Looking forward to catching up with everyone for shared lunch and OMG tech next week.


  1. What a super post Cam. Thanks so much for sharing your 'distance learning' experience. Congratulations on your success. You are such a supportive colleague in the group.

  2. Go you Cam - well done on gaining Level 2 - celebrations next Friday OMG!

  3. Awesome Cam, love the set up... you don't have to be here to be here! Congratulations.

  4. Congratulations Cam. Our Northland DFI are attempting the exam next week and I am sure will be encouraged by your words. thanks for sharing ;)
